Furniture is an essential symbol of home and office. Although the furniture itself has no emotion, combined with interior design can express the owner's professional characteristics, aesthetic interest and cultural literacy. Our design team extracts the important elements and integrates them according to the development trend of interior design, and launch a series of products in each new season to meet customers' requirements for industry trends.
Aplikasi: Perabot, Panto Interior, Kabinet Dapur, Kabinet Kamar Mandi.
Bahan: PVC
Jenis pangolahan: Pencét vakum, Bungkus, Laminasi datar
Pasipatan: Noda-lalawanan, kakuatan mékanis, Malleable
Beungeut: MDF, MLB, Chipboard.Papan busa
Kandel: 0.18mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm, 0.35mm
lebar: 1260mm, 1400mm
Panjang gulungan: 100-300 méter linier (gumantung kana ketebalan pilem)
MOQ 1000 - 5000 méter linier (gumantung kana desain anu diperyogikeun)

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